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Q: Do you provide transportation?

A: At this time we do not provide transportation.

Q: Does your child need to be DDD/ALTCS approved?

A: At this time we do require that all students enrolling have DDD/ALTCS approval.

Q: Does your child need to be ESA approved?

A: At this time we do require that all students have Preschool Severe Delay Eligibility or Autism Eligibility and awarded ESA funds.

Q:  What is your philosophy?

A: At The Barn Academy, we believe in every child’s potential to grow and develop skills that will enhance their future. Children are continuously learning and growing. A child’s development can sometimes be influenced by underlying issues creating challenges for the development towards age-appropriate skills. To assist with the transition into school, it is important that children with delays and disabilities are introduced to academics, developmental milestones, and social interactions with support and patience that meet each child’s individual needs. Children have an internal drive to be successful, therefore our staff will lead them through the stages of development in order to achieve their personal best.

Q:  Does my child qualify for The Barn Academy?

A: We strongly encourage parents to complete our online  application. Following, we will contact you to set up a tour of our facility. Due to the low enrollment rate, selections will be based upon a screening tool to assess developmental skills assisting in pairing groups of children appropriately and determining if our therapeutic approach would best benefit your child’s specific needs.

Q: What are your hours of operation and rates?

A: The Barn Academy will be open for a morning class from 8:30-11:30 am and an afternoon class from 1:30-4:30 pm. The monthly tuition rate will remain the same regardless of school closures due to holidays or vacations. If you are using ESA funding, please make quarterly payments through Classwallet. Once you have completed a tour of our private school, the next step of the enrollment process is to complete and return an enrollment form and contract along with a current copy of your child's immunization records. We can enroll children anytime during the school's academic year as long as space is available. Space is limited and registration is on a first-come first-serve basis.

Quarterly Tuition is $3,150 and Yearly Enrollment Fee is $350

Late pickup is $1/minute

We do not pro-rate or refund tuition or fees.

Q: Why is the preschool closed on Friday's?

A: We allot Fridays to provide therapy services for students and professional development for our staff members.

Q: What is your sick policy?

A: Please do not send your student to school if he or she is ill or has any of the following symptoms: Fever within the last 24 hours (without medication), Vomiting or diarrhea within the last 24 hours, Discharge from the eyes that has not been cleared by a doctor, Rash of unknown origin, If you have administered a laxative or stool softener within the last 24 hours, Anything contagious such as lice or hand foot and mouth, If your child suffers from seasonal allergies please notify a teacher. If your child's symptoms are persistent, a doctor's note may be requested.

Q: What is your student to teacher ratio?

A: At The Barn Academy, we will have at least one staff member for every three students.

Q: How do you handle discipline?

A: We strive to be child-centered and provide positive reinforcements, redirection, co-regulation, and sensory integration as needed.

Q: If my student receives current services for Feeding, OT, PT, and ST, will they be able to transfer services to CDT Kids?

A: Yes! If transferred to CDT Kids, there is an opportunity for your child to receive equine-assisted therapy and aquatic therapy services at The Barn Academy.

Q: Does my child need to be potty trained?

A: No, we have professional staff who will document and assist with all toileting needs. Parents are required to pack all toileting needs (diapers, pull-ups, etc.) for their child.

Q: How many teachers and/or staff members are CPR certified?

A: Our staff members are CPR certified, have fingerprint clearance cards, and have completed Article 9 Training and are up to date in the latest advances in pediatric therapy.

Q: How much time do you spend outside and what is your temperature cut-off for outdoor play?

A:  We allow 20 minutes each day outside for outdoor play and if there is a high heat day, students will have indoor play. Shade structures, fans, and water will be available during outdoor play days.

Q: Are meals/snacks provided?

A: No, parents are responsible for packing their child snacks and a water bottle. If a snack is forgotten, we will have extra available.

Q: Tell me about your security system

A: We have a security camera system installed in all main areas, high locks on all doors and cabinets, and outside gates are all locked with key access only.

Q: How do you handle family communication?

A: Parents will have access to the parent portal on our website, quarterly progress reports, and monthly newsletters.

Q: Is screen time limited?

A: Yes, children will have a maximum of 20 minutes of screen time a day for academic purposes (listening to songs, imitating movements, etc.).

Q: Are there specific curriculums you follow?

A: We are incorporating Handwriting Without Tears, Social Thinking, and Zones of Regulation into our curriculum.

Q: What is your vaccination policies?  Do you administer medications?

A: Arizona School Immunizations Law required that children be up-to-date on their immunizations to attend preschool. A copy of their immunization record is mandatory and will be required before your child can enter preschool. The Barn Academy will be able to provide medication as needed to enrolled students, following parents/guardians providing a medication consent form. The child's full name must be on the container with the original prescription label or pre-packaged and labeled for use by the manufacturer. The prescription must be current, and labeled with dose and frequency of administration. If the medication requires injection, a healthcare provider's written authorization will be required. We STRONGLY suggest that you apply sunscreen on your children prior to school each day. Please bring a bottle of sunscreen labeled with child’s name, which staff will assist in administering on your child prior to being outside. Families will be notified when you need to supply more.

Q: Do you follow a specific school districts calendar?

A: Yes, we follow the Queen Creek school district's calendar.

Q: Is there an emergency plan?

A: In the unlikely event of an emergency in which an evacuation from the premises was needed, all students will be transitioned by foot to our sports court located on the right side of the house. If further evacuation was required for safety due to an unforeseen event, students would be transitioned by foot to our next-door neighbor Heritage Academy Gateway School: 19705 E. Germann Rd., Queen Creek, AZ, 85142. Fire drills will be conducted and logged monthly to prepare students and staff in the event of a fire.